ponedeljek, 27. april 2020

Viruses, Heisenberg and Zen. Being a Sheep.

Writing, even knowing that those concerned give jack shit about what I think. That's probably because they simply don't want to think, or maybe they can't think at all. I'm talking about believers in conspiracies, ignorers of science and destroyers of common sense.
Statement: I'm a sheep. I'm proud of being a sheep. Why? Because the modern definition of a human sheep is as follows: A human sheep doesn't believe in fake news. A human sheep believes only in verified facts. A human sheep will question claims without source. A human sheep will measure not how possible but how probable is some claim without source. A human sheep will rather trust a scientist than a John Doe who can't spell "science". Last but not least, a human sheep will never follow any shitty populist politician.
So please, feel fre to call me a sheep. I'm proud of it.
Why now?
Becuse the time is ripe, the morons are having a race to show who is dumber than dumb. Take an example, from one of my Facebook friends, no names here... He is 100% sure the Covid 19 pandemic is a hoax, he did his research on the web. He knows it so he keeps posting it. But guess what? Every third or fourth post is about who made the Covid 19 virus and who is spreading it across the world to kill (or reduce the number) humanity. OK, which one? Both, of course, everything becomes reality if you believe in it, it's just me, the sheep, who can't understand it. (Guess who, it's Bill Gates that made the virus that doesn't exist, that was 2 weeks ago. Last week was Trump...)
Another person is cursing daily the government for the enforced quarantine since there is absolutely no viruses, it's all a "social experiment". Sure, I can agree on the "experiment", I'm dead sure that analysts of all possible government services are studying the effects to see how far could they go... but that's all. So, no virus, the guy starts making fun of Americans who are protesting confinement measures, saying how stupid can they be, do they all want to die etc..
Yes, I know, what else can I expect from people who think that the North Korean dinasty of dictators is better than the US presidents (sure, many of them deserve to burn in hell, but the Kim dinasty belongs a few circles lower).
And why do I think that I'm right and they are wrong?
First of all, I'm very rarely absolutely sure of something - I mean it IS possible that tomorrow the sun will NOT rise. But how probable or plausible is that? Not enough to influence my life in any way. So yes, it's possible that we are living a moment in the wettest dreams of a conspiracist, but how probable is that?
Let's try what we need to make it real:
1. Most of the leaders and majorities of parliaments are part of the conspiracy (they always were).
2. The scientific world is part of the conspiracy (it always was).
3. The media are part of the conspiracy (they always were).
4. The police and military are part of the conspiracy (they always were).
5. All medical staff is part of the conspiracy (they always were)
6. I will not mention alien reptilians, illuminatis, zion communists etc... They belong to fairy tales, but you can probably add someone more plausible...
Now, let's put aside the coordination needed to keep this up, with so many people actively involved in a conspiracy, let's simply think about the number of people involved in it. It's not milions but bilions. What a shitty conspiracy can this be? Against who? Coming from personal experience with psychotic belivers in conspiracy - they were always the target, they still are. Self important beings, keepers of the only truth.. Hey, which one? This pandemic is real because THEY want to kill us? Or this pandemic is made up to confine us? Both, of course, it's me, the sheep, that can't understand something simple as this (someone starting to feel a bit of pride in being called a sheep?).
The conclusion: Schrödinger was an asshole. Because of his stupid box with a cat in it. He choose a box and a cat as symbols for quantum level and quanta, as symbols for quantic superpositioning of possibilities. Now every moron able to copy-paste "Schrödinger" keeps shouting in my ears how we are living simultaneously on different planes of reality; it's me, the sheep, that can't see it.
Ever heard of Heisenberg's car? No, of course not, I just made it up. Can you imagine Heisenberg saying that when you drive a car, you check the speed and you don't know where you are or where you're going... Then you look out the side window and you know where you are but not how fast you're going nor where you're going... and when you finally look at the road in front you finally know where you're going but not how fast nor you know where you are. (It could probably happen if you drive high on some illegal stuff - don't try it.)
Schrödinger is OK for quantum scientists. Also good for fiction or jokes. Until someone makes properly the rumored "quantum supercomputer", the quanta will not affect my life. Not yours.
Seung Sahn, the great zen master from Korea, once said: "We can argue about the color of that rock as long as we wish since to me it looks whiteish and to you blackish. To the rock it doesn't matter, it will stay gray."